jauchzen ächzen andersmachen

für ulrike bergermann


jauchzen ächzen andersmachen

„Protestperlen“ ist ein Geschenk für Ulrike Bergermann zum 60. Geburtstag.
Mit „Protest“ und „Perlen“ scheinen uns die vielfältigen Relationen treffend charakterisiert, die Ulrike mit Menschen aus unterschiedlichsten Feldern verbindet.
Gemeinsam jauchzen wir, ächzen wir und gemeinsam wollen wir Dinge andersmachen!
Um Ulrike und ihre Großartigkeit zu feiern, haben wir Freund*innen und Kolleg*innen eingeladen Perlen für diese Website beizutragen – Euch allen sei herzlich gedankt!

Initiative, Idee, Konzept und Koordination:
Andrea Seier, Christine Krischan Hanke, Henriette Gunkel, Nanna Heidenreich, Sybille Bauriedl.

Graphisches Konzept, Layout und Umsetzung:
Fritz Laszlo Weber.


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Der Speicher für besuchte Protestperlen kann über diesen Link zurückgesetzt werden. Danach leuchten wieder alle Perlen.

Helena Aryal

“Radical tenderness is to be critical and loving, at the same time.”

Of course, my wishes and thoughts for you, Ulrike, had to begin with a quote.

I remember us sitting in your office at HBK, sharing space to discuss my research in Nepal. While many other people were looking very critically at my departure, leaving Germany and the university behind, you were great emotional and empowering support to continue this journey and believe in myself. In the following years, while the connections to academia and Germany faded, I always felt a bond with you and your approach, motivating me to stay passionate about my work and showing avenues on how the theory will nurture the practice (and the other way around). If it were not for you and our virtual exchanges, I might have forgotten a long time before about the relevance of my research, remembering how many other people told me I would “sacrifice my career” moving to Nepal. You never gave me such a feeling but respected and encouraged my wishes and the path I chose, always considering and supporting me in my personal situations and challenges.

I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me and how you nurtured my curiosity, the person you are unapologetically, and the space you open up - for people like me and so many others. Thank you for the queer house of Bergermann in this hostile environment and for the friendship beyond what an academic framework could ever describe. 

I am sending you hugs, power and thoughts in abundance for your birthday and each day to follow. You will always have a home in the Himalayas! Love, Helena